21 Sept. 2005.
has finally decided it's time to leave the Vineyard. His first move was a
modest one--just over to "America," as the mainland is known to
Vineyarders. He left home either on the afternoon of the 19th or sometime
during the 20th. The first off-island fix for him is around 3PM on the
He crossed Narragansett Bay and spent the night
in western RI.
(**If anyone is
wondering why there are asterisks after some of the dates on the maps,
this indicates the accuracy of the location. 3 *** fixes are the most
accurate--probably within a couple of hundred meters of the true location
of the bird. Locations with no asterisks can be pretty far off. We discard
a lot of them, keeping the ones that make sense given the other locations
for the day or route of travel.)