Belle - 2011
'09 maps for: Bea -- Buck -- Caley -- Claws -- Conomo -- Hix -- Hudson 09 -- Isabel -- Katy -- L.R. --
Moffet -- Mr. Hannah
-- Ozzie -- Penelope -- Rafael
2010 maps for: Belle -- Buck -- Gunny -- Hudson -- Mr. Hannah -- Neale -- North Fork Bob -- Penelope -- Sanford -- Sr. Bones -- Thatch
2011 maps: Belle -- Buck -- Henrietta -- Katbird -- North Fork Bob -- Pemi -- Saco -- Sanford -- Sr. Bones -- Snowy -- Thatch -- Tucker

2012 maps: Art -- Belle -- Bridger -- Chip -- Cutch -- Jill -- North Fork Bob -- Rammie -- Snowy -- Sr. Bones -- Thatch
2013 maps: Art -- Belle -- Bridger -- North Fork Bob -- Rammie -- Snowy -- Sr. Bones
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1-31 Jan 2011. Belle has definitely settled down at the Samuel Reservoir in the Brazilian state of Rondonia. She'll be here (or at least in South America) for another 14 months or so.
1-28 Feb 2011. Belle took an 11-day tour around the state of Rondonia, covering 470 mi (760 km). This is fairly typical behavior in youngsters on their first trip to the wintering areas. They'll settle down for a while, and then go off exploring, presumably in search of a better fishing hole. For many this is their first true navigation--arriving back at a known location from a novel direction.
1 Jan-19 Mar 2011. Belle has taken to this exploring thing. On Mar 5 she flew back up to the Madeira River, retracing her route south back in the fall. On the 11th, she moved up river and then spent 9 days on a junket north. Not finding much to her liking, she was back on the Madeira on the 19th. This trip was about 460 mi (740 km).
20 Mar-30 Apr 2011. Belle bounced back and forth between a couple of favorite fishing holes on the Rio Madeira. The two locations are about 60 mi. (100 km) apart.
1-31 May 2011. Belle moved upriver on the 3rd to a spot she has frequented before.
1-30 June 2011. Belle settled down during June. The main cluster of points are only 4.5 miles (7 km) across. The small cluster at the south are around a small lake.
1-31 July 2011. Late in July, Belle moved back downriver to the spot she fished during most of May.
22-31 July 2011. Belle split her time between the Rio Madeira and a small tributary a few miles east.
1-31 Aug 2011. More of the same. The fishing was good on the small river and its oxbows.
1-31 Aug  2011. A closer look at her locations along this tributary of the Madeira. She clearly has a few favorite fishing holes.
1-30 Sep  2011. Belle seems to have settled down. This area has been the focus of her activities since July.
1-31 Oct 2011. More of the same.
1-30 Nov 2011. Boredom must have set in. Belle made a roughly 140 mile, two-day trip down to the Samuel Hydroelectric Reservoir, then up to the Rio Madeira, and finally back downstream to Headquarters.
1-31 Dec 2011. Most of the month was spent up at HQ, but she did make a 120 mile, three-day round trip upriver almost to Porto Velho.
1-31 Jan 2012. Pretty much a carbon copy of Dec.
1-29 Feb 2012. Belle seems to have settled back down at her recently favorite spot.
1-29 Feb 2012. A close-up view of February's activity.
Dec 2010 - Feb 2012. Belle has covered a lot of ground in the 15 months she's been in southern Amazonian Brazil. This is a pretty typical juvenile Osprey. They find a place they like, make forays out in various directions for a few months, and then settle down for the duration.
     (We note, comparing the Feb and Dec road trips, that not everything goes down the drain counterclockwise south of the equator!)
     The vast clearing visible in most of the state of Rondonia is the result of Brazil's first successful, dedicated colonization program, which was initiated back in the 70s.
     Here's a summary of the sad situation of the devastation of the rainforests of Rondonia. That whole state was pretty much continuous rainforest 50 years ago.

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