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21 Jan 08 - Transmission from Della's transmitters stopped abruptly on the 21st. 
    This was a particularly frustrating loss of one of our study birds. Della had been on the Amazon for about 14 months and was probably 2 months away from making her first trip back to the east coast. 
     The loss of her signal is difficult to interpret. In our experience, transmitters on birds that die on land continue to transmit for some time. Her transmitter was sending strong signals and its battery was charging well. I suppose she could have been shot, and the transmitter destroyed in the process, but she was in a very remote area and far into the forest, not along the main channel of the Amazon. 
     Optimists can cling to the hope that the transmitter just failed, but I believe she won't be back. On the plus side, we have collected important data about her first migration and habitat use for almost two years. 

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