Tucker - 2011
'09 maps for: Bea -- Buck -- Caley -- Claws -- Conomo -- Hix -- Hudson 09 -- Isabel -- Katy -- L.R. --
Moffet -- Mr. Hannah
-- Ozzie -- Penelope -- Rafael
2010 maps for: Belle -- Buck -- Gunny -- Hudson -- Mr. Hannah -- Neale -- North Fork Bob -- Penelope -- Sanford -- Sr. Bones -- Thatch
2011 maps: Belle -- Buck -- Henrietta -- Katbird -- North Fork Bob -- Pemi -- Saco -- Sanford -- Sr. Bones -- Snowy -- Thatch -- Tucker

2012 maps: Art -- Belle -- Bridger -- Chip -- Cutch -- Jill -- North Fork Bob -- Rammie -- Snowy -- Sr. Bones -- Thatch
2013 maps: Art -- Belle -- Bridger -- North Fork Bob -- Rammie -- Snowy -- Sr. Bones
Osprey main page -- Migration page -- Migration09 -- Migration10 -- Migration 11 -- Migration 12 -- Migration 13 -- Home Page

21 May-21 June 2011: These are all the points we got for Tucker, from deployment of his transmitter until his untimely end when he flew into a bus.
     An interesting observation here is that nearly all the points are connected directly back to the nest. This means that almost all of his fishing expeditions took less than an hour.

Scroll down for week-by-week comparisons of Tucker's foraging patterns with that of his neighbor North Fork Bob.
21 May-7 June 2011: One thing to remember as we compare Bob (red 'F' balloons) and Tucker (green 'T' balloons) is that Bob is not raising young, while Tucker is feeding at least 2 nestlings.
     Two differences here--Tucker spends quite a bit of time hunting out in Long Island Sound. We don't know how far off shore he's going, as each of these points just captures where he was at the top of the hour. He could have been heading further off shore when his GPS recorded his location. We also see that Bob tends to hunt farther from home than Tucker.
7-14 June 2011: This week Tucker was really working the Sound, while Tucker mostly stayed close to home, with the exception of a junket all the way out to the easternmost tip of Long Island on the 13th.
14-21 June 2011: Bob really stayed close, while Tucker continued fishing in the Sound.

The next three maps show the same time periods focused in on the nest area.
21 May-7 June 2011: Tucker likes fishing down on Meeting House Creek where it feeds into Flanders Bay.
7-14 June 2011: Lots of fish out in the Sound according to Tucker. Bob didn't get the word, apparently.
14-21 June 2011: Bob stays continues to stay close to home, while Tucker, who's feeding a couple of young, is still finding fish out in the Sound.
     Shortly after these data came in Tucker was killed when he collided with a bus. The only good news here was that the transmitter wasn't damaged in the collision, so we'll be able to deploy it next spring on another bird.
     The other bit of good news is that Tucker's mate was able to rear at least 1 and probably both of her young, doing the single parent thing with good success.

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