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11 Oct.  2005.
     All three of the birds we are following are involved in some sort of job action. Homer hasn't moved from the Shenandoah River in nearly three weeks, Conanicus has found the Zapata swamps in Cuba much to his liking, and Bluebeard has been biding his time for a week and a half.
     It's hard to know what's going on. With Conanicus and Bluebeard so close together, it's tempting to speculate that weather has not been conducive to migration, but this is a pretty long time for there not to have been a change in the wind direction.
     Cuban ornithologist Freddy Santana and his students have been monitoring the Osprey migration for years in southeastern Cuba, near Santiago. Their record count for one day was 606 Ospreys! We'll check with them to see if indeed migration was slow during this period.

He has flown 1577 mi (2537 km) since he began his migration on the 19th or 20th.


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